Alutal Measure & Trust

Find out more about Prosense

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Founded in 2006, Prosense specializes in gas detection and manufactures ATEX/IECEx certified systems in Istanbul, Turkey.

The company offers a complete range of high-performance gas detectors and control panels, designed specifically for protection against toxic, flammable, and asphyxiating gases. Currently, its solutions are present in over 70 countries, including Brazil through a partnership with Alutal since 2022.

Prosense has received fast-growth awards in Turkey in 2016 and 2018 and was recognized by Deloitte as one of the Technology Fast 50 Turkey in 2019.

Since its inception, Prosense Technology has focused on qualified, technological, and creative products, always understanding the current and future market demands. In this context, the company holds ISO-9001 quality certification since 2008, as well as QAN/QAR certifications for all manufacturing activities.


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